Becoming a Sponsor


As we face great health and humanitarian challenges both domestically and globally, it is essential to bring NGOs, industry, government, military, academia, and others together to examine and discuss present and future priorities, practices, and strategies surrounding these critical areas. The primary objectives of the conference are to articulate the opportunities and challenges in humanitarian response and global health, both from a public and a corporate/economic perspective, create awareness for innovation and collaboration opportunities, and establish priorities for NGOs, corporations, and government in terms of their strategies, policies, and investments.

Sponsorship Levels

Premier Partners (Gift level: $30,000+)

Partners provide leadership and support in the success of the 2017 Conference, receiving the highest-level recognition and visibility including:

  • Organization logo on the front page of the conference web site (with hyperlink to organization's site), logo and company listing on the sponsor page (largest relative to other sponsor logos)
  • Logo and partner level recognition in promotional mailing for the conference
  • Logo and formal acknowledgment from the 2018 Humanitarian Logistics Conference Committee on an individual easel sign in high-traffic area near poster exhibit
  • Two pop-up banners and a table for sponsor promotional or educational material in high-traffic area at conference site
  • 8 complimentary registrations for company or organization attendees

Gold Sponsors (Gift level: $20,000 - $30,000)

Gold sponsors provide key support for the success of the 2018 Conference and receive high-level recognition and visibility including:

  • Organization logo on the front page of the conference web site (with hyperlink to organization's site), logo and company listing on the sponsor page (largest relative to other sponsor logos)
  • Logo and recognition in promotional mailing for the conference
  • Logo and formal acknowledgment from the 2018 Humanitarian Logistics Conference Committee on an easel sign in high-traffic area near poster exhibit
  • Pop-up banner OR table for sponsor promotional or educational material in high-traffic area at conference site
  • 5 complimentary registrations for company or organization attendees

Silver Sponsors (Gift level: $10,000 - $20,000)

Silver sponsors are considered as significant supporters of the 2017 Conference and receive the following recognition and visibility:

  • Organization logo on the front page of the conference web site (with hyperlink to organization’s site), logo and company listing on the sponsor page
  • Logo and recognition in promotional mailing for the conference
  • Logo and formal acknowledgment from the 2018 Humanitarian Logistics Conference Committee on an easel sign in high-traffic area near poster exhibit
  • 3 complimentary registrations for company or organization attendees

Supporters (Gift level: < $10,000)

We are very grateful for all levels of sponsorship, and our Supporters are important collaborators for the 2018 conference. Supporters receive the following recognition, in addition to any specific visibility that may be associated with their contribution:

  • Listing on the home page of the conference web site, with listing and logo on the sponsor page. Recognition in promotional mailing for the conference
  • Logo and acknowledgment on easel sign in high-traffic area near poster exhibit

For questions relating to sponsoring our event, please contact:

Joscelyn Cooper
Program Coordinator
Georgia Institute of Technology
Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems
404.385.1432 |

Please make gift checks payable to: The Georgia Tech Foundation. We look forward to hearing from you and we hope you'll strongly consider joining us in investing in the future.

Conference Sponsors

Conference Sponsors

Conference Organizers and Partners

Previous Conferences

2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

About the Conference Series

The Health & Humanitarian Conference series is organized each year by the Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) at Georgia Tech in partnership with INSEAD, MIT, and Northeastern University, with generous support from corporate and other organizational sponsors.

Stay Connected on:


  • humlogconf (@)
  • 755 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332